Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Third W

When? That is my question. When will I get to the age where I don't feel the extreme urge to push off and take a ride on the grocery cart through the parking lot?
I am just glad it hasn't happened yet, because last night after I finished my grocery shopping and loaded the car and was going to return my cart I got the urge. As I do most of the time, I went for it. It was a beautiful night, the wind was in my hair and for a brief moment I felt what Rose must have felt at the tip of the Titanic... ok maybe not, but it is FUN!

1 comment:

Lucy said...

Fun stuff - but remember that your brother ended up with stitches by playing on a grocery cart. They are not very steady when empty so I would suggest next time doing it with a full load and enjoy the ride!