Thursday, February 21, 2008

I smell a theory

I love a good theory. Something just based on observation, no real scientific or moral thought put into it. Matt thought of something the other day and although I think it has no merit I find it interesting enough to share.
It is based on the idea of having an "old soul". Matt thinks that I have an old soul. He says this based on the fact that I adore antique furniture, very old family pictures, vintage wall paper and jewelry and clothes. I love the stories that these items silently carry. I like to think about all of the things they have seen and what they would possibly say if they could speak. I feel they are wise, in a way that only inanimate items can be.
But he added to this theory yesterday. He now has more "proof" that I have lived many lives. His theory is that because I have bones that are far to creeky for my age, I get sick fairly easily (well not usually but lately), and that I like to go to sleep early I must be on my last trip through this world.
On the other hand since he is always strong and healthy he must be on only his first or second round.
Interesting right... Not that either of us believe in being reincarnated. It is just something to talk about, laugh at and a theory to go with.


Lucy said...

Old soul must equal a loving, caring creative soul that happens to be having a few health issues because she is teaching school to a bunch of coughing, sneezing, sick kids all day long. No, I don't believe in reincarnation - but I do believe that you have a beautiful soul that is all of those wonderful things that Matt describes.

AudreyO said...

I must be an old soul too...I love to get up before the sun. I love antiques and such. Great theory :)