Monday, February 25, 2008

A tear for Oscar

There is something about an Oscar award speech that brings tears to my eyes. Think what you may about actors and actresses but seeing them in that moment is truly amazing. Witnessing someone at the height of their career, achieving a dream they have long awaited for moves me.
I get the same thing each time I go to a race. I am usually standing on the sidelines cheering (see yesterday's post). I watch people go by, people who have been training for months, years, maybe their whole lives for this moment, this race. The feeling of accomplishment must be raging inside of them to a point where is spills over. It gushes into the streets and infects others with happiness.
It must be the same way to be in the audience of the Academy Awards. It infected me even though the TV.
It also created a list of movies which I would like to see.

Michael Clayton
Once (rented it but feel asleep)
Sweeney Todd
Into the Wild
American Gangster
Gone Baby Gone
Along with too many to name from the list of the past 80 years of Best Picture Winners

Happy Monday.
4 more days left to blog

1 comment:

Lucy said...

So you understand how exciting it is for me to see you achieve something that you have worked hard to achieve! It is a great feeling for me too!