Wednesday, February 20, 2008

They're Back!

I don't mean to complain, but I think I might often be a complainer and today is one of those days. I feel crummy because this sniffiling, burning eyes, sore throat mess is back.
I feel like I can't catch a break this year. I was sick over Christmas and New Years, sick again later in January, then hurt my arm and now feel crummy again.
So now I have complained and I don't feel better. I thought complaining would make me feel better. Maybe if you leave a nice comment on how you hope I will feel better it will make me feel better.

1 comment:

Lucy said...

I LOVE YOU and I hope that you feel SUPER GREAT as fast as you can. You know that I did the same thing. It takes a lot of rest and some great cuddle time with a good blanket and movies. Cocoa is very beneficial too! Make sure it is the low fat kind you know! But knowing that you are LOVED by Rocco even if you are sick surely will help you feel better and he asked me to let you know that he loves you TTTTTTTHHHHHHIIIIIISSSSS much!