Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Godfather

When I saw the forecast for this weekend and put that together with Valentines Day and Matt's desire to watch the Godfather series, which neither of us had seen before, I felt that I found the perfect opportunity.
Matt was excited about our Saturday of watching this classic movie and I was happy to be spending the time with him and our ever comforting couch. Little did I know that I would actually enjoy the movie and now be dying to finish the last part of it. If you haven't seen them all it is a marathon. The movies are filmed quietly and most of the scenes are very dark, so you must focus to stay awake. Once you put the characters together and start thinking like a mobster you are hooked.
Although we have accomplished little to nothing this weekend, we have spent quality time together and can now say we have seen The Godfather.
If you see Matt don't encourage him to do his imitation of the Don, please!

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