Saturday, February 2, 2008

Highly Recommend

This morning I spent two hours in bed trying to read through the constant stream of tears in my eyes. MIght sound terrible, but it was quite the opposite.
A few weeks ago, Matt and I had the clever idea of trying to read a book together. If you knew the vast differences in our reading styles you would probably think this to be a senseless idea. I could read a book a day, where Matt is a good one book a year kind of guy. I admit I had doubts at first, but we couldn't have picked a better book. Same Kind of Different as Me, is a wonderful journey and one of the most inspiring stories I have read. It tells the stories of two very different men and it shows us that we are all more alike we often act or think. We were both glued to the pages and finished the book within two weeks. A new record for Matt!
Matt actually finished the book earlier this week and knew how I was going to react. So this morning while I read the last half of the book, Matt sat beside me in bed and supported me as at times I was sobbing. Aren't I just the luckiest girl with an amazing man, a fabulous book and a memorable morning!?


Shawna said...

Have you lent your copies out to anyone yet? Would you be willing!? I have made Seth read 1 book that I have read... It was fun! I think it is a FANTASTIC idea and I love that you 2 are such a great couple!

Lucy said...

Now that was GREAT! It made me a very happy Mommy.