Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I dunno!

I don't know what to blog about today. I think that is a hazard of trying to blog everyday for 29 days in a row. Some days my mind is just blank. Here are a few things I think today...
-I am hoping that 5th period will be good today.
-I am wondering what I will have for dinner. I like to anticipate meals.
-I miss my brothers.
-I am glad Enzo came home. I was worried last night.
-I question how a 15 year old is going to handle being the mother of twins.
-I wish it was Friday.
-I need chocolate. (Just a little bite)
-I fear procreation because I am around teenagers everyday.
-I wish I could have stayed in bed longer this morning.
-I wonder if I will go for a walk after dinner or if I will just be lazy.
-I can't wait for Spring! and Spring Break!
-I want to listen to my new CD's.

Just a few things off the top of my head. Hope you are having a wonderful day!


Lucy said...

So, do you ever respond to the comment that are left regarding your blogs?
Where was Enzo?

Callie B said...
