Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Friendly Jogger

I have long said that I will consider being a runner when I see someone running with a smile on their face. Runners usually look very intense and don't seem to be thoroughly enjoying their run, so why would I want to subject myself to that.
Well the friendly jogger is making my excuse invalid. I see him on Katy Trail regularly. He is always smiling and sending overly friendly sentiments to ALL that pass by. He enthusiastically stops to pet dogs and then keeps on running with a smile.
This excuse has lasted for years. I have cheered on friends at marathons and never seen a smiling runner, but that has all been ruined.
Please let me know if you have another excuse I could get by on for a while!


Courtney said...

shins splints

Lucy said...

Jogging destroys your knees and besides that - if it isn't in your heart - it just won't bring a smile to YOUR face!