Sunday, February 10, 2008

Need a Weekend to Recover

This was the type of weekend that I need a weekend to recover from. Yesterday, felt like several days all in one with the cooking class and then spending the afternoon and evening with the girls. And today was quite the same, we had the girls in the morning, went rollerblading and then cruising in Kooter's Jeep all in an effort to savor this amazing day.
Since I could go on forever here are a few of the highlight-
The Viking Cooking School was a blast. I highly recommend it and it was a great gift to receive. I took the Fish Cookery course and has a blast. The only damper was "that guy" and oh boy was he ever. You know the one guy who is so overly obnoxious and has no clue. His girlfriend was with him and even she seemed annoyed with his antics. I can't wait to take my next class where I will learn to make fresh pasta!
Letterboxing - also highly recommended! Team Newts - that is us! It was a perfect adventure to do with my nieces. They were the perfect age for reading the clues and determining where we should go next. They are already planning our next Letterboxing outing.
After we dropped them off we had to do something to soak up the day, so it was off to rollerblading. Matt and I had a great time rolling up and down Katy Trail, but on our way back to the car I took a major fall. I would post pictures but it grosses me out just to look at my elbow, so I don't want to put you through that. It was a great fall, people caming running to my aid, my glasses were about 10 yards behind me. Court, you would have laughed your tail off!
So in order to ease my pain, I came home got cleaned up and we went for a ride Justin's '86 Jeep. It is just perfect for days like this. We cruised around and found a patio.
Other than the fall, it was an absolutely perfect weekend. The kind that all weekends should be modeled after. Time with family and friends, perfect weather and lots of memories!

1 comment:

Courtney said...

I can't believe you got hurt so bad. I don't know if I would have laughed if you weren't laughing. Poor thing!!! Have you been to the doctor yet?