Thursday, November 22, 2007

I got another one!

How lucky can one girl be? I got two perfect days in a row!
Here are the highlights of Day 2
-Waking at 7 am for a 2 hour stroll on the beach with my husband
-Breakfast at the Beach House - a charming dive with unbelievable breakfast tacos and an ocean view
- A visit to the shop that showcases and sells local Port Aransas artists work with my MIL
- Greeting my nieces as they joined us at the beach house
- Then taking them down to the ocean and leaving all inhibitions behind as we raced into the water fully clothed! (pictures to come)
- Watching my husband, his brother and dad, peel, devein and cook a shrimp dinner - very entertaining and actually delicious
- playing games, games and more games with my nieces
-curling up and watching the Princess Bride, a classic from my childhood with my family
This one goes down in my book as another perfect day!

1 comment:

Courtney said...

come girl...get on it.