Thursday, November 15, 2007

Stars and Sunrise

So when I started a blog I thought I had so much to say... turns out it has been weeks and I haven't been able to think of anything.
I started to blog after we went camping a few weeks ago, but had a hard time putting all of the words together.
Here is my attempt to try again.

A few weekends ago I set out for Lake Murray in Oklahoma with 10 of my closest friends. We were going camping! It had been years since I had been camping, so I was looking forward to it not realizing what an amazing time I would have.
I spent the mornings watching the sun break through the fog and rise over the lake, while listening to all of God's creatures wake up. Some of which make very interesting noises in the morning. Our days were filled with good conversation, relaxing, reading, and cooking gourmet style over the campfire (thanks to Gabe and Kooter). For me, the best part comes at night, when the campfire is roaring, conversations turn a little deeper and the stars start shooting through the sky. That is unforgettable. I set a new personal record for seeing three shooting stars in one weekend.
So pure and beautiful! I can't wait for the spring when we go camping again.