Monday, December 10, 2007

Tis the Season

It is really hitting me that Christmas is upon us. I think it might have something to do with the 10 hours shopping spree I went on this weekend. Matt and I bought 15 people gifts out of the 21 on our official NICE list. Yes, I did say Matt and I. My husband is an angel to put up with shopping for that long, but believe it or not we actually had a really good time.
We took time out to make it fun by watching the performances in the mall, trying on coats for a chance to win $500 shopping spree, and drinking awful, horrid box wine at one stores open house.
Now, I am not a general hater of boxed wine, but this was wretched. We weren't even sure what it was at first sip. I think the incense from the store had seeped into the box and created something undrinkable. But, I digress.
The weather has turned colder. I long for Starbucks ever time a chill hits my face. Getting up in the morning is increasingly more difficult. Along with my students I am counting down the days until I can give in to all of these desires for two whole weeks! So at this moment I have 1 week, 3 days, 17 hours, 38 minutes, and 45 seconds!
Tis the season!

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