Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Friendly Folks

What a friendly weekend I had... I started off fixing dinner for some very precious friends. I love cooking and soak up the chance to fix a nice dinner for friends. Dinner was great and the fellowship was even better. As you know, long dinners with good conversation and wine are one of my very favorite things.
Then I flew out Saturday morning to Albuquerque to see Emily, one of my best friends from high school. Emily just had sweet baby Jamison in October, so we spent the weekend cooing, singing and changing diapers. I love seeing Emily as a mother, it is a role that fits her well! I only wish she was here in town so that we might have many more opportunities to spend time like we did this weekend.
A few other notes: I am still doing yoga and it is still fabulous. I even tried some of the poses on Jamison. I also started a new book Captivating by John and Stasi Eldridge. I love the perspective it has brought thus far.


Brighter Sunshine said...

Hi, I'm a friend of Courtney's (in her smallgroup) and came from her blog... so I thought I'd leave a comment on yours!

You and I do a few of the same things... yoga AND I just completed Capitvating. You will really love it... the ending I thought was the best and where I learned the most. Enjoy!

Larry Ray said...

Callie B. i never told you how thankful i was for your dinner and hospitality last week. you and matt both.
i enjoyed everything and Courtney has told everyone about the Shrimp Lasagna. She loves you so much.
can't wait to see you guys again, i loved your wedding!! Next time let's watch Christmas videos from way back.
Peaceout, Larry.