Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Right then

Right when I thought I had nothing to post about yesterday something happened.

After I published my blog yesterday it was time for 5th period. This is usually my roughest time of the day.

In this class I have several students who sag heavily. It is a daily battle to keep their behinds and undergarments off of my desks. A battle I usually lose. Well, yesterday one of my students lost his battle to keep his pants up. He stood up, pants feel down!

In the past this might have been a huge embarassment, since your most personal space would have been exposed, but since saggers face this risk everyday they have come up with a solution.

What else, but to wear a whole other outfit underneath your top outfit.

Although nothing was exposed but another pair of shorts it was still quite comical to watch.

Although theses billboards are lame and will never encourage "too cool" teens to pull up their drawers, they are entertaining.

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