Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Friendly Folks

What a friendly weekend I had... I started off fixing dinner for some very precious friends. I love cooking and soak up the chance to fix a nice dinner for friends. Dinner was great and the fellowship was even better. As you know, long dinners with good conversation and wine are one of my very favorite things.
Then I flew out Saturday morning to Albuquerque to see Emily, one of my best friends from high school. Emily just had sweet baby Jamison in October, so we spent the weekend cooing, singing and changing diapers. I love seeing Emily as a mother, it is a role that fits her well! I only wish she was here in town so that we might have many more opportunities to spend time like we did this weekend.
A few other notes: I am still doing yoga and it is still fabulous. I even tried some of the poses on Jamison. I also started a new book Captivating by John and Stasi Eldridge. I love the perspective it has brought thus far.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Not such a scardey cat afterall

I did it! Yesterday I attended my first yoga class (minus that time Kristin and I laughed our way through a class in college).
I was really nervous, as I always am when I try something new by myself. I never want to be "that girl". The one who is too prepared and has all the right gear, then doesn't have any clue what she is really doing. I was nervous about falling over, not breathing right, laughing out loud at the name of a pose, or any other tragic event that could have occurred over that one hour time frame. I tend to over think this kind of thing and think everyone is watching me, when in reality I am sure none of them even cared that I was there.
But, this story ends beautifully. Yoga was great, the teacher was nice to me, I didn't embarrass myself and I am sore as all get out today. Just what I was looking for. I think I might even subject myself again tomorrow.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

The Break is O.V.E.R.

My wonderful winter break is coming to an end. On Monday I must return to the responsible working world, where I have to wake up before the sun, teach impressionable minds and hope that I am making a difference in the world.
But for today, I am trying to remember the joy that this break has brought and soak up the last day of it. So much has happened in two short weeks. It is amazing I got it all in. A few of the highlights include, friends getting engaged, meeting my unofficial niece Jamison, long dinners with family, traveling to see my dad, seeing ICE with my mom and grandmother, the adventure that was Trans-Siberian Orchestra, purchasing a new mattess (Alleluia!), my husband getting lasik, late night conversations with girl friends and catching up over hot chocolate.
I could write forever about the memories with each person that I made and all of the silly comments my Grandmother makes, but instead I will focus on the feeling that all of the moments have created. This feeling that I feel erupting today.
What I really love is that this year, this 2008, I feel hopeful, thankful sincere gratitude to the Lord. He has blessed me with so much and I feel like I am starting to see the world with changing eyes. I pray that this sturring continues.
2007 was a fabulous year. I feel like sometime during 2007 I became an adult although, adult is a label I am not convinced that I am ready for yet, but I feel certain that it is happening.I continued relationships with my amazing friends, who teach me to be a better friend and servant. I truly loved and felt loved.
On Monday, the "real world" will be knocking, but for today I want to sit outside and enjoy the warmth of a Texas January, laugh when the wind feels like it will blow me over, turn my heart towards the sun and celebrate the life He is showing me.