Monday, June 9, 2008

Caaaaampers! (in a high pitch squeaky voice)

Ok! So I got some new comments, Hi Mom!

I am off at student council camp just killing some time while the students develop their leadership skills and sing "The Beaver Song". Really, the beaver song, I am not sure how well thought out that one was...

Nothing particularly interesting to share, but if you are looking for something to do try developing your own three letter word vocabulary. It is quite entertaining, just ask Meagan.

Happy Monday!

Friday, May 16, 2008


I find myself thinking this numerous times a day and today is not unlike the others.

The latest comment to assault my brain with a huge WHAT? happened when I heard one student say to another "E.T. goes hard".

Really? Goes hard. What?

How do you "go hard"? And where is E.T. going? I thought he already phoned home.

Is he hard? Like made out of steel. He sure seemed to be made of a soft, pliable material to me.


Friday, May 9, 2008

Sweet Words

Those of you who actually read this probably hear me complain a lot about my job and the rough students I encounter, so I thought I should share the sweeter side of teaching.
I got this note today from one of my sweetest students.

on a time. I have a math teacher her name is mrs. (insert my name here). she is my favrore teacher. a story.

That makes it all worth while!

New Additions

If you are looking for a good waste of time visit the new creative links I have posted. Try a DIY project you just might like it :)
I have also add a new link list called Green Leaf. I have been trying to make an effort to green my life up a little bit. In doing so I have visit a couple of neat sites that let you see just how easy it can be.
I have already made a reusable grocery bag. I will post pictures soon!
Happy Friday!
Only 17 more school days left!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Songs that ROCK

Do you ever have a song that you hate in theory, but every time it comes on you turn it up and end up singing along?

When it is over you feel all wrong for enjoying such a "bad" song.

Currently that song for me is Miley Cyrus, See You Again.

I feel like I should hate it, the lyrics are middle schoolish and goofy and is she really a respectable artist for someone my age to be listening to? I realize I am not that old, but I have at least a decade on her. Doesn't she appeal to the middle school crowd? I know my high school students even think she is too immature for them to listen to, since she is a Disney girl.

Oh well, at least now if you pull up to a stop light next to me you will know what my problem is!

Thursday, April 10, 2008


I wrote out a long post yesterday and when I looked at it today I am not sure what happened. See below.
The bullet point version is that
- My brother is engaged! Yeah, Congrats Kyle!
-I am now obsessed with sewing. I love my new sewing machine and my sewing class.

Now this post is not as witty or well written as yesterdays, but use your imagination.
Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Monday, March 31, 2008

Blogging Binge, Blogging Fast

After that blogging binge that I was challenged to do I fell into a deep, dark blogging fast. I had absolutely nothing to blog about or at least my mind wasn't telling me to blog all about it. But... yesterday that changed. I found something to blog about.
I am so excited about a new adventure that I felt compelled to tell you all about it. The two of you that read this blog that is.
I started my Project Make, fashion design and sewing classes yesterday. It is SO much fun and I am overwhelmed by the talent and creativity that surrounds me. I hope I can soak it all in. Oh, to be a sponge!
We created a skirt in our first challenge and we are going to dye it this week. I will post pictures as soon as it is finished.
Now back to grading papers and dreaming of sewing!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

What a Let Down

So that last day of the blogging challenge came and went. In the last day I failed to meet the 29 days I was challenged to.
The truth is I ran out of steam. Last week was particularly trying at work and on Friday night I felt as if I had nothing to give.
Now it is Sunday evening and I am staring another week of work in the face. Since I worked all day on Saturday this weekend has been way too fast.
Sorry if I let you down, but I am sure my post would have just brought you down and that is not my intention!

So on a happy note, I made my first Etsy purchase this weekend. I have been a LOVER of the site for some time, but even in the Internet age I am still weary of buying online. I am so eager for my bracelet to get here. It is unique and beautiful. A big thanks to my fab hubby who helped me to navigate the whole paypal world. You are my favorite!

Hopefully more positive and witty posts to come...

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Leap Year

Can't today be the last day of February. My blogging well has run dry.
Today has taken Everything out of me.
I am ready to throw in the towel, climb in bed and start over tomorrow.

Isn't it funny how we say things like climb in bed. I don't actually climb into bed. It is more like a sit and a roll, or just a lay.

I am hoping to think of something great for the blogging challenge finale tomorrow.

Until then...

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Right then

Right when I thought I had nothing to post about yesterday something happened.

After I published my blog yesterday it was time for 5th period. This is usually my roughest time of the day.

In this class I have several students who sag heavily. It is a daily battle to keep their behinds and undergarments off of my desks. A battle I usually lose. Well, yesterday one of my students lost his battle to keep his pants up. He stood up, pants feel down!

In the past this might have been a huge embarassment, since your most personal space would have been exposed, but since saggers face this risk everyday they have come up with a solution.

What else, but to wear a whole other outfit underneath your top outfit.

Although nothing was exposed but another pair of shorts it was still quite comical to watch.

Although theses billboards are lame and will never encourage "too cool" teens to pull up their drawers, they are entertaining.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I dunno!

I don't know what to blog about today. I think that is a hazard of trying to blog everyday for 29 days in a row. Some days my mind is just blank. Here are a few things I think today...
-I am hoping that 5th period will be good today.
-I am wondering what I will have for dinner. I like to anticipate meals.
-I miss my brothers.
-I am glad Enzo came home. I was worried last night.
-I question how a 15 year old is going to handle being the mother of twins.
-I wish it was Friday.
-I need chocolate. (Just a little bite)
-I fear procreation because I am around teenagers everyday.
-I wish I could have stayed in bed longer this morning.
-I wonder if I will go for a walk after dinner or if I will just be lazy.
-I can't wait for Spring! and Spring Break!
-I want to listen to my new CD's.

Just a few things off the top of my head. Hope you are having a wonderful day!

Monday, February 25, 2008

A tear for Oscar

There is something about an Oscar award speech that brings tears to my eyes. Think what you may about actors and actresses but seeing them in that moment is truly amazing. Witnessing someone at the height of their career, achieving a dream they have long awaited for moves me.
I get the same thing each time I go to a race. I am usually standing on the sidelines cheering (see yesterday's post). I watch people go by, people who have been training for months, years, maybe their whole lives for this moment, this race. The feeling of accomplishment must be raging inside of them to a point where is spills over. It gushes into the streets and infects others with happiness.
It must be the same way to be in the audience of the Academy Awards. It infected me even though the TV.
It also created a list of movies which I would like to see.

Michael Clayton
Once (rented it but feel asleep)
Sweeney Todd
Into the Wild
American Gangster
Gone Baby Gone
Along with too many to name from the list of the past 80 years of Best Picture Winners

Happy Monday.
4 more days left to blog

Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Friendly Jogger

I have long said that I will consider being a runner when I see someone running with a smile on their face. Runners usually look very intense and don't seem to be thoroughly enjoying their run, so why would I want to subject myself to that.
Well the friendly jogger is making my excuse invalid. I see him on Katy Trail regularly. He is always smiling and sending overly friendly sentiments to ALL that pass by. He enthusiastically stops to pet dogs and then keeps on running with a smile.
This excuse has lasted for years. I have cheered on friends at marathons and never seen a smiling runner, but that has all been ruined.
Please let me know if you have another excuse I could get by on for a while!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Better Blog Now

I better get something in as we are about the leave on a spur of the moment camping trip in Tyler. It is going to be cold tonight, but the stars should be out and the fire will be comforting.

I am currently over the moon about an upcoming Ladies Night Out. I will be surround by girlfriends that I see a lot less often that I would like and I just know it will be a night filled with beautiful snapshots of friendship and laughter.

Oh, How I wish it was tonight!
Let the anticipation grow!

Friday, February 22, 2008

A Little Poot Poot

I just don't get it! Do you remember students farting during class while you were in school? I surely don't!
Things have changed! I am going to guess that I have at least one student fart every week at school. Not the silent kind that stink so you know someone farted but never know who, they are the kind that just rip. They are loud, nasty and the kids do not care that everyone knows. In fact they think it is cool.
Back when I was in school (in an old grandpa voice) if you farted you were the outcast. You were gross.
Now, I realize that releasing gas is a natural thing. That you can't help what builds inside of you. Just please don't do it in my class. It grosses me out and completly disrupts the class period. Everyone has to laugh at or with you for several minutes until they can compose themselves and continue on. And me your poor teacher must smell and explain the lingering effects of your actions during the class period that follow.
Sorry for the vulgar pooting language. I just want to give you a perfect picture of what I am dealing with on a regular basis.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

I smell a theory

I love a good theory. Something just based on observation, no real scientific or moral thought put into it. Matt thought of something the other day and although I think it has no merit I find it interesting enough to share.
It is based on the idea of having an "old soul". Matt thinks that I have an old soul. He says this based on the fact that I adore antique furniture, very old family pictures, vintage wall paper and jewelry and clothes. I love the stories that these items silently carry. I like to think about all of the things they have seen and what they would possibly say if they could speak. I feel they are wise, in a way that only inanimate items can be.
But he added to this theory yesterday. He now has more "proof" that I have lived many lives. His theory is that because I have bones that are far to creeky for my age, I get sick fairly easily (well not usually but lately), and that I like to go to sleep early I must be on my last trip through this world.
On the other hand since he is always strong and healthy he must be on only his first or second round.
Interesting right... Not that either of us believe in being reincarnated. It is just something to talk about, laugh at and a theory to go with.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

They're Back!

I don't mean to complain, but I think I might often be a complainer and today is one of those days. I feel crummy because this sniffiling, burning eyes, sore throat mess is back.
I feel like I can't catch a break this year. I was sick over Christmas and New Years, sick again later in January, then hurt my arm and now feel crummy again.
So now I have complained and I don't feel better. I thought complaining would make me feel better. Maybe if you leave a nice comment on how you hope I will feel better it will make me feel better.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Brownies and a Smile

It is amazing what a smile and a brownie can do for my day. Every Tuesday the LIFE class at my school brings by a cart. They make food items for the cart like muffins, cookies, brownies, chex mix, etc and have coffee and very cold water to accompany them.
Every Tuesday, they coming knocking on my door with smiling faces and offer up their treats. It makes what ever frustration I have just wash away when they arrive eager and with brownies. I am a regular at heart, so each week I get a brownie and a cup of the cold water and my cares vanish.
Thank you LIFE class!

Monday, February 18, 2008


I am looking for inspiration today. I am not sure what to blog about, except the scabs on my arm, but I think that will just gross most people out.
It is interesting that my high school students want to see my arm everyday. I have several that never fail to ask about it and when I tell them that it looks gross they beg to see it.
I hope it makes them think I am tough, so next time they feel like messing around they will think twice! Ha, Ha! A girl can hope right?
Happy Monday!
11 Days left

Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Godfather

When I saw the forecast for this weekend and put that together with Valentines Day and Matt's desire to watch the Godfather series, which neither of us had seen before, I felt that I found the perfect opportunity.
Matt was excited about our Saturday of watching this classic movie and I was happy to be spending the time with him and our ever comforting couch. Little did I know that I would actually enjoy the movie and now be dying to finish the last part of it. If you haven't seen them all it is a marathon. The movies are filmed quietly and most of the scenes are very dark, so you must focus to stay awake. Once you put the characters together and start thinking like a mobster you are hooked.
Although we have accomplished little to nothing this weekend, we have spent quality time together and can now say we have seen The Godfather.
If you see Matt don't encourage him to do his imitation of the Don, please!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

It's Raining, It's Pouring

What a perfection combination - weather forecast calls for rain all day and the calendar is free of all plans. It is 4:30 and I am still in my PJ's! Oh the Glory!

I hope that you are all enjoying this rainy day too!

Friday, February 15, 2008

As a teacher on Valentine's Day

Being a teacher on Valentine's Day is wonderful. I was smothered in Valentine's Day adoration. I received chocolate roses, suckers, sweet tarts, conversation hearts, cards, and tons of thoughtful messages. It is such a great day when they let you know they appreciate you.
Now today is a different story. We are back to refusing to work and students calling each other names.
But for one day.... there was LOVE!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Our Song

To my favorite Valentine:
Born to Be My Baby - Bon Jovi

Rainy night and we worked all day
We both got jobs cause theres bills to pay
We got something they can't take away
Our love, our lives

Close the door, leave the cold outside
I don't need nothing when I'm by your side
We got something that'll never die
Our dreams, our pride
My heart beats like a drum (all night)
Flesh to flesh, one to one (and its alright)
And I'll never let go cause
There's something I know deep inside

You were born to be my baby
And baby, I was made to be your man
We got something to believe in
Even if we dont know where we stand
Only God would know the reasons
But I bet he must have had a plan
Cause you were born to be my baby
And baby, I was made to be your man

Light a candle, blow the world away
Table for two on a tv tray
It ain't fancy, baby thats ok
Our time, our way
So hold me close better hand on tight
Buckle up, baby, its a bumpy ride
Were two kids hitching down the road of life
Our world, our flight

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Enjoy Everything!

Tonight Matt and I were running errands and our last stop was the CVS. When we checked out the lady at the counter with deeply stained red lips handed us our bag and said “Enjoy Everything”. As we walked out I thought what an interesting thought… is it possible to enjoy everything? I sure wish it was and I think I really try to but sometimes I have a headache or the kids are being rude to each other and it is hard to enjoy everything. I sure do like the thought of it and I love it as a passing gesture to another’s day.

So goodnight and enjoy everything!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

No Breaks!

So I went to the doctor this morning and my arm is not broken! The interesting thing is that when the doctor saw my arm she wouldn't touch it until we had xrays because she really thought it was broken. They said I must have strong bones to have taken such a fall and not have any breaks!
To date I have broken 0 bones in my life! A record I would like to keep up. This was definitely the closest I have come.
The other good news is that she gave me pain killers and for the first time since Sunday I have no pain in my arm and I was able to sleep for several hours in a row.
I still have risk of infection and possible ligament issues if the swelling doesn't go down. I will be pecking at the computer and beware...only one side of my hair and makeup will be done for the next few days.
In the future, I will wear my elbow pads even when they make my arms sweaty and slimy!

Monday, February 11, 2008


I can't type much because my arm hurts so bad! I am going for xrays in the morning, so I will update tomorrow.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Need a Weekend to Recover

This was the type of weekend that I need a weekend to recover from. Yesterday, felt like several days all in one with the cooking class and then spending the afternoon and evening with the girls. And today was quite the same, we had the girls in the morning, went rollerblading and then cruising in Kooter's Jeep all in an effort to savor this amazing day.
Since I could go on forever here are a few of the highlight-
The Viking Cooking School was a blast. I highly recommend it and it was a great gift to receive. I took the Fish Cookery course and has a blast. The only damper was "that guy" and oh boy was he ever. You know the one guy who is so overly obnoxious and has no clue. His girlfriend was with him and even she seemed annoyed with his antics. I can't wait to take my next class where I will learn to make fresh pasta!
Letterboxing - also highly recommended! Team Newts - that is us! It was a perfect adventure to do with my nieces. They were the perfect age for reading the clues and determining where we should go next. They are already planning our next Letterboxing outing.
After we dropped them off we had to do something to soak up the day, so it was off to rollerblading. Matt and I had a great time rolling up and down Katy Trail, but on our way back to the car I took a major fall. I would post pictures but it grosses me out just to look at my elbow, so I don't want to put you through that. It was a great fall, people caming running to my aid, my glasses were about 10 yards behind me. Court, you would have laughed your tail off!
So in order to ease my pain, I came home got cleaned up and we went for a ride Justin's '86 Jeep. It is just perfect for days like this. We cruised around and found a patio.
Other than the fall, it was an absolutely perfect weekend. The kind that all weekends should be modeled after. Time with family and friends, perfect weather and lots of memories!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Deep Breath

Here are the plans for the day...
Get up and take a shower
Finish cleaning up the HQ for the arrival of our nieces
11:00 am cooking class at the Viking Cooking School
2:00 pm Class is over, Nieces arrive
Go to Michaels and pick out our stamp for Letterboking (google it)
Set out on an adventure to find Letterboxes around Dallas
Take a break and get gellato at Paciugo's in Victory Park
Come home for dinner and to create our Valentine's Cookies
Create a pallete in the living room to curl up and watch movies until late night
Crash into bed and take a deep breath again!

I feel tired just thinking about it but HERE WE GO!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Happy Birthday Addison Dawn

Welcome to the world sweet child. We have been waiting and your parents have been planning for you for several months now. We were not expecting you quite this soon, we thought you wouldn't be here until March. But we are so glad that you are here, safe and sound.

Maybe you feel it already, but there are so many people in this world that love you. You don't even have to do a thing to earn that love, they are just going to give it to you constantly and unconditionally forever! You will be meeting them over the next several months and even years.

I hope everything wonderful for you in this world, sweet girl and I certainly can't wait to meet you. I am also greatly looking forward to seeing your mom play the role of a mother. I just know she is going to be brilliant.

In honor of Addison Dawn I thought I would share some precious quotes about babies.

Having a child is surely the most beautifully irrational act that two people in love can commit.-- Bill Cosby

Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.

Matthew 19:14 ¨Jesus said, ´Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Sharp Contrast

Sometimes in life I am struck by sharp contrast in the world and that is exactly what happened to me today.

1st event today- A student in the middle of his Algebra work tells me that he wishes that he had two parents. He wants to be able to go into the show on the Disney channel where you can pick out your mom like she is in a vending machine. I just wanted to hug him and let him know that I know exactly how he feels. I also wanted to share with him the small bits of wisdom I have gained since I was his age and let him know that one day he might understand why his mom is the way she is and come to love her exactly that way.

2nd event today - I am waiting at a salon in Dallas surrounded by 5 or so high school girls all in private school uniforms and their mothers. They are waiting at the salon to get their eyebrows waxed, hair highlight and acrylic nails filled. As I start to eavesdrop on their conversation, I notice a tone that each young girl has with her mother. They are complaining about one thing or another ad demanding things of their mothers in between searching the internet on their iphones.

Depending on the person you are asking all of these teenagers behaviors would be considered quite normal. But these kids were coming from such different places and expressing their desires for the day.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Way I See It #267

Music can lift us out of depression or move us to tears - it is a remedy, a tonic, orange juice for the ear. But for many of my neurological patients, music is even more - it can provide access, even when no medication can, to movement, to speech, to life. For them, music is not a luxury, but a necessity.

Oliver Sacks

Maybe all I needed was Starbucks with a friend and a quote that speaks to me to revive my soul.


So today I am feeling crappy and can't get to the wit deep inside due to my stress. I had planned for a day like this and saved a post that I would then publish when I could think of nothing else. Seeing is how that day is today, I logged in pressed post and wait... the post showed up back on the day I wrote it. Not today. This would be fine, but I agreed to 29 days and now it looks like a double post from several days ago.
Fits in just perfectly with the rest of the day. I swear I hear my bed calling me back, shaking it's finger and whispering to the frame "I knew she should have never left today."

The post I am referring to is called Revealing.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Third W

When? That is my question. When will I get to the age where I don't feel the extreme urge to push off and take a ride on the grocery cart through the parking lot?
I am just glad it hasn't happened yet, because last night after I finished my grocery shopping and loaded the car and was going to return my cart I got the urge. As I do most of the time, I went for it. It was a beautiful night, the wind was in my hair and for a brief moment I felt what Rose must have felt at the tip of the Titanic... ok maybe not, but it is FUN!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Lunch Time Woes

Do you ever have thoses days when you brought your lunch to work, but when lunch rolls around you are starving and the lame Healthy Choice you brought sounds like the worst possible option? That was me today. I could have gone for something good and filling like chicken fried steak, but instead I endured the torture that was my Healthy Choice. I just finished eating and swear I feel hunger pains already. No satisfaction with that lunch.
It is going to be a long afternoon...

Sunday, February 3, 2008


What a game! That pass that Eli made in the 4th quater was one of the most amazing plays I have ever seen. And boy am I glad that it happened because up until then that game was BORING.

By the way that is 2 posts for day 3 - Go Me!


It was about 6 years ago when I heard Oprah say "When someone reveals themselves to you believe them." For some reason it has stuck with me. Perhaps it was the timing. At the time I was in a place where I needed to believe that quote due to the nature of the relationships in my life, but was in denial. When I did let go, I realized just how true it was.

Luckily, now when I am reminded of that quote I feel thankful because it is most often due to the kind and selfless nature of my friends and family.
Much Love to you ALL!

What a thrill!

Last night while watching the Mardi Gras parade I discovered a new rush... catching beads! It is so silly because really does anyone want these beads. It is not like they are coveted items. They are a 5 cent chain of beads. Even so, they were so much fun to catch. All of the floats were throwing them out and by the end of the parade we had accumulated quite a few strands, dodged a few elbows to the face, and had to work out a charlie horse from tiptoeing to see over people.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Highly Recommend

This morning I spent two hours in bed trying to read through the constant stream of tears in my eyes. MIght sound terrible, but it was quite the opposite.
A few weeks ago, Matt and I had the clever idea of trying to read a book together. If you knew the vast differences in our reading styles you would probably think this to be a senseless idea. I could read a book a day, where Matt is a good one book a year kind of guy. I admit I had doubts at first, but we couldn't have picked a better book. Same Kind of Different as Me, is a wonderful journey and one of the most inspiring stories I have read. It tells the stories of two very different men and it shows us that we are all more alike we often act or think. We were both glued to the pages and finished the book within two weeks. A new record for Matt!
Matt actually finished the book earlier this week and knew how I was going to react. So this morning while I read the last half of the book, Matt sat beside me in bed and supported me as at times I was sobbing. Aren't I just the luckiest girl with an amazing man, a fabulous book and a memorable morning!?

Friday, February 1, 2008


I haven't posted since the 22nd, which I don't see as much of a problem since nobody reads this blog. That may because I have only told a select few people about it or because I never have anything that important to blog about, but either way, I have accepted a blogging challenge.
Courtney one of my dearest friends and fellow blogger has challenged me to blog everyday in February. Yes, 29 days in a row.
I can't promise it will all be insightful or entertaining, but I can promise that it will give you something to read if your soul is searching. So here is to day 1!
Happy Friday!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Friendly Folks

What a friendly weekend I had... I started off fixing dinner for some very precious friends. I love cooking and soak up the chance to fix a nice dinner for friends. Dinner was great and the fellowship was even better. As you know, long dinners with good conversation and wine are one of my very favorite things.
Then I flew out Saturday morning to Albuquerque to see Emily, one of my best friends from high school. Emily just had sweet baby Jamison in October, so we spent the weekend cooing, singing and changing diapers. I love seeing Emily as a mother, it is a role that fits her well! I only wish she was here in town so that we might have many more opportunities to spend time like we did this weekend.
A few other notes: I am still doing yoga and it is still fabulous. I even tried some of the poses on Jamison. I also started a new book Captivating by John and Stasi Eldridge. I love the perspective it has brought thus far.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Not such a scardey cat afterall

I did it! Yesterday I attended my first yoga class (minus that time Kristin and I laughed our way through a class in college).
I was really nervous, as I always am when I try something new by myself. I never want to be "that girl". The one who is too prepared and has all the right gear, then doesn't have any clue what she is really doing. I was nervous about falling over, not breathing right, laughing out loud at the name of a pose, or any other tragic event that could have occurred over that one hour time frame. I tend to over think this kind of thing and think everyone is watching me, when in reality I am sure none of them even cared that I was there.
But, this story ends beautifully. Yoga was great, the teacher was nice to me, I didn't embarrass myself and I am sore as all get out today. Just what I was looking for. I think I might even subject myself again tomorrow.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

The Break is O.V.E.R.

My wonderful winter break is coming to an end. On Monday I must return to the responsible working world, where I have to wake up before the sun, teach impressionable minds and hope that I am making a difference in the world.
But for today, I am trying to remember the joy that this break has brought and soak up the last day of it. So much has happened in two short weeks. It is amazing I got it all in. A few of the highlights include, friends getting engaged, meeting my unofficial niece Jamison, long dinners with family, traveling to see my dad, seeing ICE with my mom and grandmother, the adventure that was Trans-Siberian Orchestra, purchasing a new mattess (Alleluia!), my husband getting lasik, late night conversations with girl friends and catching up over hot chocolate.
I could write forever about the memories with each person that I made and all of the silly comments my Grandmother makes, but instead I will focus on the feeling that all of the moments have created. This feeling that I feel erupting today.
What I really love is that this year, this 2008, I feel hopeful, thankful sincere gratitude to the Lord. He has blessed me with so much and I feel like I am starting to see the world with changing eyes. I pray that this sturring continues.
2007 was a fabulous year. I feel like sometime during 2007 I became an adult although, adult is a label I am not convinced that I am ready for yet, but I feel certain that it is happening.I continued relationships with my amazing friends, who teach me to be a better friend and servant. I truly loved and felt loved.
On Monday, the "real world" will be knocking, but for today I want to sit outside and enjoy the warmth of a Texas January, laugh when the wind feels like it will blow me over, turn my heart towards the sun and celebrate the life He is showing me.