Wednesday, October 24, 2007


I am anxious tonight. Anxious because tomorrow is a day I have been thinking about for months. To some this day might be a insignificant, but for me tomorrow is the day when I give up my security.
The day has come for me to cut my hair! Like I said, not a big deal to most, but I am cutting off more than 10 inches to give it to Locks of Love. I have been thinking about this for at least 6 months and waiting to get up the nerve.
In a spontaneous moment of courage I made the appointment. Well, to be completely honest I told Matt and he made the appointment.
You see I have always had long hair. If someone was to describe me they would surely mention she has really long hair. It is a part of me, a pathetic and big part of me. Not after tomorrow, my friends. Tomorrow I will say good-bye to the sad security blanket that is my hair. Hopefully there will be minimal tears shed and a short adjustment period. Wish me luck!

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